
Veracruz Mexico Time

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Temple Day

Cody & Grandpa Robertson

Cody enjoyed a very special day in the Oklahoma City Temple with his parents, Grandpa Robertson, (Grandma Robertson rested in the hotel as she has pneumonia) Uncle Lynn, Aunt Donna and several close ward family members. The session was packed full. The spirit was so strong. A very special day to be remembered.

We missed those family members who live so far away. We look forward to being with everyone at the farewell. A temple session is planned for January 23rd for those that are interested.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cody's Mission Call

Cody Robertson
Cody received his mission call in the mail today. It had been raining all night & all day. This made part of the envelope wet & boy did it make it hard for us not to peek! Cody made calls to his friends & the Young Men that he's over in our ward. Everyone gathered at our home. Family and friends from out of town were called on cell phones.

Cody was called to serve in the Mexico Veracruz Mission!

Mom had the list of "guesses" from everyone on where they thought Cody would be called to serve. Mandy Lenberg, Cody's cousin, won! She was the only person of over 100 guesses to guess Mexico!