
Veracruz Mexico Time

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Letter 6-27-10

Hey Tanner! No new foods here. We eat a lot of tamales, tacos and eggs. I am up to 22 baptisms now, so I'm working hard to keep it up. Look up missionary work and look up the scriptures in D&C. Those scriptures are modern revelation to Joseph Smith about missionary work. Keep on reading & studying your scriptures. Hope basketball is good for you right now. Hope you have a good week. And are you going on the canoe trip? Love you bro.

Hey Cassidy! Happy 16th birthday! Have fun! I'll bet your room looks awesome. ha ha the dance was la fiesta themed? Did you have a pinata? Wow, youth leader at camp? That means that you have to be an example to all those girls that you are in charge of. You'll be great. I want you to read a scripture- Mosiah 13:20 and think about what it says. I love you so much sister.

Hey bro (Colt)! Happy Birthday! Hope it was great! That's a good job you have! Don't drop it! Do all that you can to keep that job as it's really good pay. Even if you go to church for Sacrament Meeting do it. And keep talking to your boss. I promise you, it will work out! Trust me. ha ha ha I loved the picture of you and dad with the sombrero hats! Oh, don't worry about having to eat guinea pig. Just try it! I have tried things here too. ha ha~don't worry about the food though, just eat a ton in the MTC and you'll be fine. I have 22 baptisms and I have 3 more this week so I'll have 25 by next Monday. read the scriptures that I told Tanner to read. It will help you in your mission and read the scriptures in Preach My Gospel. Do you have el libro de mormon? Start reading it in spanish to get your accent down. Even if you don't understand it. Love you bro. Keep up the good work and don't worry about the job thing. Pray for the right decision.

Hey Ty- it sounds like they need to announce the youth dances or send out reminders. It does sound like it was fun though. Man, the canoe trip will be so much fun for you guys. I can't wait to hear about it. Where are you guys going? And for how long? Hopefully you will get this job with Colton. That would be sweet. Love you bro- keep up the good work y se fuerte.

Hey Mom! My week has been good. We had 2 baptisms this week and we found out that one of my convert families are getting ready to go to the Temple to do baptisms for the dead for the first time. This is very exciting becuase in less than a year they will be sealed together in the Temple and I will be able to be there with them and see it! I am so incredibly stoked! Elder Gil is here for another week because the changes from the mission Tabasco are not until next week. So, I'm still going to be in Teziutlan. We have 3 baptisms for this week so we are working really hard to to make that happen. We are also working hard to get new investigators too. We contacted 140 people just to get 1 baptism. Elder Gil and I are working very hard on missionary work! That's pretty cool that Kirsti joined my blog. And tell Zach- Denver North! That's so awesome! He will need to know that this will bless him in all his life and that if she loves him then she will wait for 2 years and it's not the end of the world. That's cool dad loves his calling. I knew he would. Yep, I received Aunt Cari's package! I loved it and I loved the sunflower seeds and the poptarts! Tell them thank you and I love them very much! Their support means the world to me. ha ha Clayton is so funny. I love his little sayings. I laughed pretty hard when I read that! I'm happy they got their house! Love you Mom

Hey Dad- With the Young Men just keep them going to church and keep reminding them of the importance of serving a mission. If you engrave serving a mission in their minds, they will always remember that it is important to serve. Goals is something we teach people here in the mission. And how we need to work hard to achieve our goals and never fall short. Wow! How many missionaries are going to be serving? That is awesome that they will have a lot! Just keep the ball rolling and make sure the Young Men are being examples. I will hit my 5 month mark on July 3rd. Time is flying way too fast here. I don't want to leave. I love baptizing and teaching the people here in Mexico. I know that you felt the same way in Korea. Are you watching soccer? Tell Colton to start playing soccer again. I finally gave into soccer and I am loving playing it! ha ha weird huh?!? I love the pictures of the sombrero hats and your peace signs. ha ha! Love you dad- have a great week!

Love you family. Hope that you have a great Family Home Evening tonight. Remember to always be an example to those around you. The church is true and I love being a missionary and serving the people of Mexico.

con mucho amor,
Elder Robertson

Monday, June 21, 2010

Letter 6-21-10

What's up Elder Robertson?!? I told you Colton that you are going spanish speaking! That is so cool- Arequipa Peru!! Okay, so at the Provo MTC you do nothing but learn the prayer and how to bear your testimony for the first 3 weeks. Then at the Peru MTC you get to go out into the street and talk to people in spanish. You are going to have a blast!

ha ha! It was funny- President Hansen called me and said, "Your mom called and she loves you and oh, yeah your brother got his mission call! So do you want to play 20 questions or do you want me to just tell you?" So, I played 20 questions. I asked him everywhere and I finally gave up. Then he told me Arequipa Peru! I was so HAPPY the people here were all looking at me like- freaking gringo- ha ha! It is so awesome!! That's so cool man... we get to talk spanish even after our missions and we'll never forget the language! The spanish language is so cool! Ok, that is weird that you guessed your own mission. I don't think I know anyone that has guessed their mission, but it's cool you did! OK, so how many people were at the house when you opened your mission call? (about 40-50 people) entones como es la area de arequipa? You're going to have so much fun! What is the comida like? How big is your area? I'm so excited for you bro! You know, they don't eat tortillas in Peru. I didn't know that until I told people about your call. I can't wait to hear from you and start studying the conjugations now! That is the hardest thing to learn. Ask Uncle Travis or Uncle Curt for help. Uncle Curt told me a lot of things to help me with my spanish and it is working so ask for help now! Love you Elder!!

What's up Tanner? I know I heard today that the Lakers won. That's cool that you got a new missionary in the ward. I bet he is tight. I ate real chinese food today. There is a chinese guy that lives here and doesn't speak spanish or english. The food was really great! I don't know who my new companion is, but I will know on Saturday. I will miss Elder Gil. He helped me tremendously. He has been a great companion and a forever friend. That is awesome you are learning the prayer in spanish. Keep reading and studying your scriptures. Love you bro!

I'm doing good. We have 3 baptisms this week but we didn't baptize last week because the man didn't show up. How is football going Ty? When is your first game? Now, you'll have to serve a spanish speaking mission so you can talk with Colton and I after your mission. That would be sweet. Keep making goals and working hard. I promise you... the blessings will follow.

Hey Cassidy! What are you doing this summer? You'll be going into Laurel's in a couple of weeks. Talk to me sis... I want to hear what's going on with you.
Love your mejor hermano, Elder Robertson

Mom & Dad- That is so cool that Colton is serving spanish speaking! He is going to love it! The area in Peru is great!! I had a teacher in the MTC that served in Peru and she loved it and so will Colton. Has he talked to Sister Bellows yet? ha ha ha- he couldn't pronounce it! ha ha ha! President Hansen told me to repeat it and I did! Also, did you know that President Hansen was the district leader to the current mission President in Arequipa? That is pretty cool. Small church world, huh? Glad you were able to talk to Elder Ricks. He is awesome! He was born in Teziutlan just like me. One of his converts that he baptized, we baptized his son. He is awesome! Were you confused when the spanish Elder was talking? I knew Colton was going spanish speaking! I knew it! I prayed and I knew it! We are currently teaching 2 women named Dulce and Tania. We are teaching and getting ready for changes or transfers. I am working my hardest to become a leader amongst the other missionaries.

Love you family! Hope that your week will be great. I can't wait to hear from you next week. And it will be great if grandma and grandpa are able to visit you guys in Oklahoma! Again, felicidades Colton!

Con todo me amor,
Elder Robertson

Friday, June 18, 2010

Colton's Mission Call!

Elder Robertson's little brother, Colton, was called to serve in the Peru Arequipa Spanish Speaking Mission! He reports to the Provo MTC on November 3rd. From what we understand, he will be there for 3 weeks and then fly down to the Peru MTC for 6 weeks. We are thrilled. We will now have 2 sons serving Spanish Speaking Missions. The Lord truly knows the great love for the Lamanites that flows so strong through our veins.

I enjoyed talking to President Hansen today to relay the good news! We cannot wait to hear from Elder Robertson on P-Day (Monday)!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Letter 6-14-10

Dear Family,
My week was great! All the Elders in our zone baptized so we set a record for bautizona! We had 6 baptisms this last week and I have 19 all together. I am really excited to hear this week where Colton is going to serve his mission. I bet it will be there on Wednesday or Thursday. Also, I really think he will go to a place that speaks spanish. Actually, I know it! I've been praying about it! Presidente y Hermana Hansen are very excited to hear where you are going to serve. They are very proud of you and they love you too. Just remember to work your hardest on your mission and you will be blessed. And remember to pray every day!!

Loved the picture of Tanner palming the basketball! Now just dunk it little bro! ha ha!

Ty, I want to know what your goal is for this football season for sacks... and I know you can reach it. Set the goal and do it! Which schools are looking at you right now?

Way to go Mom for taking the TV out and encouraging more scripture study/family time!

Tell Zach that it is awesome to have the opportunity to serve a mission and that he and his family will be blessed for the rest of his life.

I wish you could've seen the smile on my face when I read that The Owen's family let the missionaries talk to them. Please tell their whole family hello for me.

How did dad's talk go Sunday? I bet he did awesome. And how does he like his new calling?

Sorry this letter is short. We just got back from a 3 hour trip from our zone activity. We played football on the beach in Martinez. It was way fun! I found out that Elder Gil is leaving and I am getting a new companion.

Remember to read your Book of Mormon every night. You should be able to do that now that the TV is gone! ha ha! And pray every morning and night. Be an example to those in your school, those you play sports with, those you work with, those you go to church with and those you are in contact with. You are being watched. The church is true. And I love the work I am doing. Thank you for all you do.

Con mucho amor-
Elder Robertson

Monday, June 7, 2010

Letter 06-07-10

Hey Mom- This week has been good! We had interviews in Martinez and we had a bautizona which is all the companionships in the zone had baptized this week... so it was awesome! We have 6 baptisms this week and it's part of the family we baptized 2 weeks ago. Their whole family wants to be baptized!!! That's weird that Colton's papers went in Saturday night, but you are right... everything happens for a reason. That's awesome that the Bishop got back and they were submitted. The good thing is that Tyler will be in town now and will be there when Colt's call is opened. That is awesome dad is speaking Sunday with Brother Tucker. I know they both will do great. How is the ward? I'm sure everyone is doing great! They need to write me! I wrote Alayna in Reno today. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to get to her. That's awesome Aunt Norma's husband is a Bishop now. Wow, I love you so much mom. I hope that this letter is more detailed.. haha! Let's hope the pictures will get to you this week. Love you.

Cassidy- yo no quiero a escuchar cerca de su futuro novio o dating es no bueno! My week was great! We have 6 baptisms on Saturday and I am very excited! I hope that you have a wonderful week- you crazy girl! Love you lots sis!

Hey Colt- My week has been good! We had 23 lessons and we had 9 investigators attend church so they are all getting baptized. We walk a lot and we teach a lot so the spanish is getting better and better! Yeah, things happen for a reason and your call will be where you need to serve. Always remember that!! Have you been praying about your call? If not, you should pray every morning and every night... okay? Good luck with your job interview tomorrow. I'll bet you are just wanting to know where you'll be serving and can't wait to get going on your mission. It is the best! Love you bro- Have a great week.

Tanner-How many free throws did you make at basketball camp? ha ha baldy- stop bragging about how short your hair is! Yeah, go Padres... that's awesome! So, how is basketball and how is everything? The spanish is getting way better and we are baptizing like crazy here. We are teaching, contacting and walking a lot! The food is great! Nothing bad so far this week ha ha! The candy here is different but good. The people in the ward are awesome!! Love you bro-

Hey Dad- We are teaching a huge family and they are so great! They are getting baptized this week and I'm so excited for them! They are already paying tithing which is great! The big problems we work with are coffee and chastity but when people go to church they know that they have to obey the commandments! Thank you for bearing your testimony. Yo se que esta iglesia es verdadero y es guiado por un profeta thomas s monson el es un profeta de dios. Yo se que jose smith restaura la iglesia de jesucristo el fue un profeta de dios. Estoy muy agradecido por la expiacion de jesucristo. Estoy muy agradecido por el plan de salvacion y la oppurtunidad a vive con nuestro padre celestial y nuestro salvador jesucristo y me familia. te amo me familia con todo me corazon. Estoy muy agradecido for el sacerdoccio y la opurtunidad a bendice los personas. Yo se que dios encontrar respuestas a nuestros pregunatas. Se fuerte y tega fe. This is a little bit of my testimony en espanol. When we sustain our leaders we are showing respect for them and we know that they are called of God not by just some person. The leaders we sustain are there because they have the Priesthood to preach and to administer to the people. I love you dad.

Hey Tyler- How was your week in football? Is it hot in Oklahoma right now? You'll do fine... just start drinking a lot of water now! Don't let anybody push you back. Make a goal on how many sacks and reach it for this season. Goals are the only way we can do anything in this world. Love you bro- buenas suerte

I love you all very much. Call President Hansen when the call comes in. Colton, he is really excited! He guessed Veracruz Mexico and YES... it IS possible! :)

The church is true.
Con mucho amor-
Elder Robertson

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mission Conference Pictures

(Here are two pictures taken from the Mission Conference May 26, 2010 courtesy of Elder Elrey & family. I am thankful for these as Elder Robertson has had some computer issues the past few weeks and hasn't been able to email pictures. It's not a big deal, but boy is it always fun to get them! The first picture is Elder Elrey (Cody's companion in the MTC) and Elder Robertson. The second is a picture of their District in front of the Mexico Veracruz LDS Temple. From what I understand all but 3 are being transferred to the new Villahermosa Mission. So, this is a very sweet picture to have. As a mother, it's fun to look at all of their faces and see how happy they are to be serving our Heavenly Father. What wonderful missionaries they are!)